LES NUS A FONDS GRIS OU AUTRES. ANNEES 70. ( extraits de carnets, from sketchbooks)
.....michel ducruet, nu assis, sitting nude,circa 1970.....michel ducruet. Christina circa 1970......michel ducruet. nu avec fleurs, flowered nude circa1970
......michel ducruet, nu assis, sitting nude, circa 1970....michel ducruet, olympia circa 1970.....michel ducruet, danse à fond bleu, blue background dance drawing, circa 1970
......michel ducruet. vase jaune. yellow bowl.....michel ducruet, femme à l'oiseau bleu, woman with a blue bird.
michel ducruet, femmes et enfants, children and women. ....michel ducruet.couple.
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